Welcome to an inspiring, productive songwriting workshop in beautiful surroundings by the sea on south Crete!

With Swedish Grammy nominated Eva Hillered and Patrick Rydman – artist, vocalist, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer with lots of experience in different genres.

After this week you will have written 5 new songs, learnt fantastic songwriting tools and and gained access to an international community of songwriters, as passionate as you are about songwriting.

We’ll meet daily for a singing warmup, and then we’ll look into some great songwriting tools and write lyrics from the days assignment. You will use the rest of the day as you please, including writing with a co-writing partner or alone – as you prefer. In the night we meet in a songwriting circle for feedback.

We will give a concert the last night of the workshop, where you have the opportunity to perform new and/or old songs for an audience.

If you play an accompanying instrument, bring it to the course. You can also use a recording program such as Garageband, Logic, or similar. However, this is not a course where we work with recording or production, we create songs based on the basic elements of text, melody and chords.

The course is based on the book Lathund för låtskrivare (in Swedish), and as a participant you get a 10% discount. A good idea is to order this in advance, and start working on some of the tasks on your own. Use discount code Crete23.


The workshop 

Sunday is travel day, if you prefer you can arrive earlier. The workshop starts on June 25 at 7 pm. Make sure that you have time for your travel, so you will arrive for the first presentation when we also meet in a song circle and share a song each.

Monday – Friday

10 am: Body, breathing and singing

10.30: Sharing circle

11 am – 1 pm: Lectures and writing exercises

1 – 6 pm: Free writing & beach time

6 – 8 pm: Feedback and song circle


In the night we arrange a roof concert, where an audience will be invited to listen to some of your new songs! We only have a short program in the morning with a wrap-up and a voice warm-up. The rest of the day is free for excursions, swimming, or preparing for the concert.

Sunday is travel day.

(You can also stay longer if you want, check with your booked hotel that they have rooms available – more info in the booking form.)

Short bio Eva

Eva is a Swedish Grammy nominated singer songwriter and author of the Swedish bestselling songwritingbook “Lathund för låtskrivare”. She has been a touring & recording artist for 30 years, as well as a coach in singing and songwriting. She is the founder of the Swedish Singing School Online (www.sangskolan.com). It is a unique online program that guides you along the journey of discovering your own personal high note, instead of trying to mimic famous artists. Eva has helped over 2,000 people to fully develop their own voice, and bring it confidently to center stage.


Short bio Patrick

Patrick is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, and has written and produced for indie artists, stage, radio, movies and computer games. Besides touring the world – singing and playing everything from rock, soul and pop to folk, jazz, and chansons – he has recently written a stage musical for the Malmö Opera, Sweden’s leading stage for new musical theater. Other clients include Paradox Interactive, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra (GSO), SR (Swedish Radio Corporation), and the Gothenburg City Theater. He has also recorded several solo albums, Sawdust & Rust (2018).


The price for the workshop is 450 €

”Early bird” price until February 15 2023: 395 €

When you book the workshop (se link below) you also pay a booking fee of 100 euros,  to secure your place on the workshop.It is  a part of the payment for the workshop.  As soon as we have enough participants  we will confirm the workshop so you can book your flight. We will give you a link to a closed FB – group – where we also will inform you about several other things good to know about the travel and the workshop.



Rent a room at Lendas East Hill

The retreat center Lendas East Hill is situated in a quiet place between the mountains on the southern coast of Crete, just 400 meters from the sea. On our workshops we can offer accommodation for up to 10 people in our guest rooms. Special price for participants at workshops, from 22 € per night (in shared room) to 30 euros (single room). When our rooms are fully booked, there are many nice hotels nearby. You will find more information about the rooms and how to book workshop and when you follow the sign up link below.


Travel to Lendas East Hill

The nearest airport on Crete is the one in Heraklion, about 1 hour 15 minutes taxi ride from Lendas. A taxi to Lendas costs about 80 euros (one way). We created a Facebook group for the participants, where you can meet and maybe plan for shared taxis to make the trip more affordable: SHARE A TAXI


Another possibility is that you rent a car at the airport.

You can start here: www.holidayautos.com

Or here: Mcar Rental Crete, telephone +30 693 281 4291 (Giannis).



Please leave your name and E-mail here too!

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