Story´s behind the song
Why did you write this song?
I wrote the song a long, time ago to a friend who was getting married.
It just came to me.
What is the meaning of the song?
At that time I never reflected on the deeper meaning of the song, but I was influenced by a short part of a film where Bhagwan was interviewd , and he said that love is someting that suddenly can occure as a besutiful flower unfolding between people.
I also recorded this song a long time ago, and for some reason my critical mind by then did not think it was good enough.
Why do you release it today?
Today think it is an important song in many ways.
We create the love in our lives ourselves, both the capacity to feel love for ourselves and others, and we are the creators of our own world, the small world we live in. And the more we can stay open and listen inwards and nourish the good earth where ”flowers of love” can grow, be born and blossom, the better we feel and the more love, and happyness we feel. And the more love we will attract from our lover, family and from our friends.
I believe it is a choice we must take every day, again and again to focus on loving ourselves and the loved ones who are in our lives, and to do important meaningful things that sooner or later can develop to some kind of a messages of love. For me, creating and releasing music is an act of love. Music is the language of love.
And LOVE is the most important power we have, even though this word is such an overused one. It does not cost anything to put a digital heart on a friends post. But to love in real life and give the best we have, even if we are not sure about what we will receive back – that takes a lot of courage and also an open mind.
Are their any other story´s behind this song?
Yes for sure. Some years back I was on the Greek Island Amorgos. I was studying Carl Gustaf Jung. I was a bit unhappy because I was so much longing to find a true and deep love-relation. I was sitting on a balcony reading a text of Jung. The sea and a big mountain was infront of me.
I stopped reading, and noticed the facinating cloud formations over the mountain that was constantly passing and changing.
I tried to focus on my reading again, I looked down and red:
”Up til then this woman ( a client of Jung) had mistaken the longing for a man with the loning for God”
At this very moment I looked up again and I saw a cloud formation sinking down, looking exactly like an angel with two wings.
I realized this was very true for me and just shortly after this happened, I met the man with a heart of gold who became my husband – we are still together.
In the video you chose the symbol of stones – why?
Oh – again there are several reasons. I love stones and at different times I have been searching for stone hearts on the beach on south of Crete where I now also live parts of the year. I did not want to make a cheesy movie. And when I found a beautiful stoneshaped heart I knew I wanted to use them in a kind of minimalistic video.
When I realized that I jst had a little time left to find the stones a nd make the video, I went to the beach and started to searched. I spent an hour – but I did not find any.On my way back to the house suddenly stopped when I saw a stone that had ” kind of” a heart shape.
I picked it up, and then in just half an hour I found 7 beautiful stones that almost had a heartshape. So, the same story again but served by life in a different way. We all love in different ways and there is no perfect love – if you can accept that – you´ll find love everywhere – and there are always things, people places you can love where ever you are.